And It Must Be Said

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

A Moment in the Life...

I’ve had a good dose of challenging, encouraging and downright hilarious interactions with a variety people the past few weeks. I’d like to share some with you:

- “Christians are not called to a long life but to a life lived WELL.” Our pastor Tommy Nelson has been preaching on Peter from Acts 4 and I have loved every minute of it, especially this closing remark from church Sunday night.

- It’s OK to be in your 40s and still not know what you want to be when you grow up…so you may as well teach classes, work on your PhD, write books, love a husband and raise a daughter while you’re figuring it out. (Thanks Sandra and family for a fun night.)

- Singing virtually ANY song in the voice of Kip from Napoleon Dynamite will guarantee laughs and stop all arguments in their place. Thanks to my darling husband who demonstrates this beautifully. His favorite? “The First Cut is the Deepest” by Sheryl Crow.

- Some incredible songs by our friend Brian Coughlin…reflections made from self-reflections. While I have talked with him about some of his experiences before, suddenly hearing them through the filter of music allowed me a whole new understanding, which I am grateful for. They were beautiful. Thanks to Brian and Kylie for sharing life with us.

- Random Things are FUNNY. And when the people who show you them are laughing hysterically they are even FUNNIER. Thanks Brady and Amber for...randomness.

- Its OK to run 6 miles in 63 minutes. This one I give credit to myself for. I’m training for a ½ marathon in April and am intent on 10 minute miles right now as I train. On Saturday I gave myself permission to enjoy the run more and allow myself to go over 60 minutes. I did. By 3 minutes. The run felt great. And the best part? I was OK that it wasn’t even in the end.

And to be honest, that is what I feel God is teaching me lately. That life does not need to be even, that vacations do not need to happen at 5 year anniversaries (6 is OK too), that books don’t have to be read in lists of 50, miles run in increments of 10 minutes, children begun at age 28 and every 2 years after, MBAs in 2 years, knowing where seminary payments are coming from - all these "must haves, must dos, and must knows." I am realizing that God’s plan most definitely is not my “everything tied up perfectly in a clean and tidy package” plan. I am learning that a life given over to God, however messy and un-even it may be, is exactly what I need.