And It Must Be Said

Sunday, December 31, 2006

Look Back, Look Ahead

My friend Katie sent these questions to me last year and I am actually using them now to celebrate the end of a year and the start of a fresh, new year! Enjoy, and Happy New Year!

1. What were the memorable events of this year that captured your attention? In your home and family? In your vocation? In your community?

2. Who were the significant people in your life?

3. What sources instructed or challenged your heart and mind?

4. Did you have recurring questions you struggled with during the year? What were they? Any answers? What questions are you still facing in this new year?

5. In what areas of your life did you grow? Were these areas related to your joy or your pain?

6. What are your regrets? How would you do things differently? What did you learn?

7. What discipline did you use most this year? The least?

8. What service did you give to others which was the most meaningful? Received from others?

9. What image comes to mind for your relationship with God at this point in your life?

10. What do you feel is the message of the year? What do you think God might be saying to you?

11. Are you responding with resistance? With trust? With fear?

12. Do you have a verse, an image, a word, or a poem to guide you into the new year?

13. What is it you wish? How would you answer Jesus’ question to you? “What are you looking for?” (John 1:38) and also “What do you want me to do for you?” (Luke 18:41)


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