I'm Back!
Geez, Greta. A whole month of no posts? I’ve got a barrelful of excuses but I’ll spare you the details. Here’s an update:
Lead an Urban Experience spring break mission trip to St. Louis, MO. We had an incredible time. I’ve got so much to say about that experience, and in many ways am still processing much of it. I was challenged on many issues from poverty to missional living.
Perhaps the greatest affect on me, however, was that I fell in love with college students again. Living with/supervising/disciplining 500 of them on a daily basis gets old….and tough…and made me dry….kind of like beef jerky. So to spend a week just “being” with them and laughing and living with them has allowed my heart to fill up again. It was just the spring “break” I needed.

The ½ Marathon is just 6 days away! This week will be a low-key week: lots of carbs and short runs. Yeah! I’m still recuperating from yesterday’s 12.8 mile run. I’ve been introduced to parts of my legs/butt that I hadn’t met yet.
I had the opportunity to hear from one of Benji’s professors last night at our small group meeting. I love that he has professors like this at school….real, cynical, encouraging, and frustrated with the things about Seminary/life/Christians that we should be frustrated with.
I’m 3 weeks behind in one of my classes. How did this happen? Oh wait, I know. I hate this class and avoid working on it at every opportunity!
God is good. Really, really, deeply, wholly, completely GOOD. Seeing Him at work in the city, at work in my friends and family. Not that it isn’t happening all the time….its just that I’m not all that good about looking for it.
I NEEEEEEED something with that awesome texas stuff on it. How do I get it?
Love you.
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