Rated R U Sure You Should Be Watching This?

So, we threw in the towel and said “bye!” to a variety of spicy and good (or so we’re told) movies. I did make one exception – I saw The Passion (I thought Jesus would be OK with it). The decision actually didn’t hurt as much as we thought it would…although it was painful to watch previews for the Matrix movies for Benj. Otherwise, not bad.
Here are some of the things that I’ve experienced since making that decision:
I feel like I have become more sensitive to sin…as in – yikes! Killing someone is REALLY BAD. I’m not exaggerating when I say it’s changed my life.
The judgment I have felt from Christians (and others) when I tell them we don’t watch R-rated movies…as in “Oh…you are one of THOSE crazy conservative types.” Which (read my last post) I am not at all. And, strangely, I kind of like the dichotomy the decision produced about me – I am a crazy liberal democrat, but I don’t watch rated R movies because I’m tired of the trash. Ah! The irony!
I was reading someone else’s blog recently and someone made the comment that “people who don’t watch (Rated R movies and such) are in general just as judgmental about those kind of people (people who drop F Bombs, etc.) in real life.” Ouch. Is that true?
Currently finding myself wondering if it’s time to pull the ban…I am waffling. I am sure many of you will tell me that there are SO many great movies out there, just ignore the “bad stuff.” It’s not an issue of being “offended” by the bad stuff – it’s an issue of, can I justify watching this and being desensitized (possibly) to sin, but it’s worth it because of the potential benefits/challenges/entertainment involved in the movie?
What do you think web world? What’s your advice?
I think it is great that you don't watch rated R movies. I do mostly think you are a judgemental nut but we like you anyway.
I think you should continue it as long as you think it is right!!!
Why would you start watching R movies once you've stopped?
Maybe the only thing that would be worthwhile is putting a restriction on why it is R, ultra-violence, sex, and such. That way you don't have to sweat the Passion of the Christ stuff.
It is a strange thought, I do watch all kinds of movies and when people tell me about their non-R-watching convictions I often feel like maybe I should have the same convictions. B/C what is my responce to that..."actually people celebrating sin is somehow good" its tough to swallow. I can't find any bible verses to support my R watching, and muchos to support the Gretas of the world.
I am in conflict, but probably only within myself and my own sinful desires.
But that said I have changed my movie watching greatly. I have been cutting out all kinds of stuff that is bad news in movie world so hopefully God is still working on me, and maybe one day I will be offended at the things God is offended at.
Great blog, Greta!
In our home we try to draw the line not on the evaluation given by the ratings organization, but by the point of view presented. That is, we don't watch "Friends" because the point of view of that show is to condone illicit sex. But we watch "R" movies such as "To End all Wars," a true story from WW II which is as violent as "The Passion" and deeply disturbing. Why endure the violence? Because the POV is that it's wrong and unjust. The film tells the gospel without words.
What a great issue to wrestle with! I am a huge film snob, and one who has seen really hard things in my life. Why do these things go together? Because I sometimes think it is more helpful for one to observe a movie about difficult events (marital affairs, rape, family trama, premarital sex/pregnancy, world hunger, war crimes, etc.) than Jim Carrey-type slap stick, explosion and car chases, and any other type of movie that throws cheap gimics at you to hide the terrible dialogue. I believe this because it helps one get a better view of what the world really looks like, and a better view of what real (emphasis on real) people are going through and experiencing. Now, this can certainly be done in a G-rated movie, but sometimes it takes a R-rating to do this accurately. What I fear (and I am not accusing you of this) is avoiding a hard to watch film for the purpose of avoiding sinful behavior and in the process continuing to be guilty of the corporate sin that a certain film might be pointing out. For instance, Hotel Rwanda has some very difficult themes in it, yet it would be helpful for an American to watch it and repent of the corporate sin of their country. When I watched it I realized that at the time it happened I never heard about it, and didn't even know where Rwanda was. I had to repent to God for my selfish country that didn't offer help to these people in need.
So, there are my 2 cents.
what the heck? you're blog WAS off to a great start...what happened?
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